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TITLE: Hobbies.
TYPE: Reflexive-descriptive.
INTERPRETATION: The importance to take up a hobby in the 21st century.
Hobbies and work;
Hobby varieties;
Little children;
Sports and clubs;
Groups of people;
Collectors vs. Top models;
Art, literature, music;
Hobbies in the past – Shakespeare, Beethoven, Picasso;
Job opportunities;
Healthy minds.
1- Immense hobby variety in the 21st century. Hobbies go from collecting objects to sunbathing at one´s house. Hobbies are not for all the people. Different interests and even uninterested people. How important it is to take up a hobby?
2- When people decide to take up a hobby? Little children are usually obliged by their parents – “I want them to do EVERYTHING I couldn´t when I was a child”. Sports are the most chosen.
3- Art, music and Literature are the least chosen. Why? Brilliant characters success. Shakespeare, Beethoven and Picasso took advantage of what they most liked to make a living.
4- Hobbies and their effect on people. Ideal state for every human being. How do they feel at the moment of performing a hobby?
5- Hobbies in the world of work. Busy people think hobbies do not fit for them. Fright to leave their work. They are so stressed that they are unable to do what they like.
6- The need of a hobby. Make time and choose the appropriate one. Achieve the perfect balance between work and enjoyment.
Nowadays, in the 21st century, there is no time for anyone to get bored! This is largely due to the diversity of hobbies that exists and the way they make people feel. If one starts thinking about taking up a hobby, it will be a bit difficult which to choose. There are as many hobbies as people in the world. Thus, hobbies might go from collectors to top models. While the formers love collecting a wide range of precious objects, which turn insignificant for the rest of the people, the latters devote their time sunbathing in their exclusive and very expensive gardens. But one may also find unmotivated people who do not have any interest in doing any activity out from their world of work and are unconscious of how important it is to take up a hobby and of when to start.
The answer to the latter question begins in childhood. Little children are usually obliged by their parents to take up a hobby, even if they cry and shout. In a way, parents, most of the times, think: “We want our children to do EVERYTHING we could not do when we were their ages”. In this sense, one can see that little children do not have time to play, which is the only thing they should be worried about, but instead, they go from swimming lessons at two o´clock to playing football at four, being busy all the week. And what is more curious about parents is that after all the activities their children perform, they pretend they get the best marks at school. On the other hand, parents who are not so extremist as to have their children busy all the time, give them several options to choose a hobby in order to interact and socialize with other children. Unfortunately, the majority are related to sports practice, but what happens with hobbies related to the development of the mind.
Art, Music and Literature are the least chosen at the moment of taking up a hobby. This is because most of the people think that this should include doing some kind of physical activity, when it is not a must. If not, think about some brilliant characters from the past: Picasso, Beethoven and Shakespeare. They had their minds well developed and lived their lives not knowing what stress was, since they did what they liked best. Apart from that, one should consider that having a hobby could lead people to start their own business as these great men did. Not only did they do what they liked, but also they took advantage from that to make a living while enjoying.
Of course enjoyment has to be a priority to every human being and hobbies provide for that necessity of life. It is amazingly curious the effect hobbies causes on people living in the 21st century, where everything is so artificial that nobody cares about the other. So when people start a hobby, they feel as if they were in another world. It is the ideal state to live the rest of their lives; for everything is perfect and they even see pink everywhere. Spending only an hour reading, writing, painting, going to the gym, dancing or playing video games, could be the solution to many problems busy people have these days. The important thing is that the cure for stress lies in learning to relax, which is not that easy, but essential for a healthy mind.
The cultivation of a hobby not only allows us to relax properly, but it gives us a true sense of proportion. People in quite minor positions, as well as those who have many responsibilities to bear, often have an exaggerated idea of their own importance and consider themselves to be indispensable. They regard anything unconnected with their work with suspicion and are afraid even to take a holiday. “Who will take care of things when I´m gone?” they ask, unaware that “things” will go on just the same when they have really gone for food and there will always be someone else to take care of them. Hobbies redress the balance by helping us to understand how full life is. The man who really works well is he who can completely forget his work in the intervening hours when he is left to himself.
So, let´s take a holiday and enjoy life because it is unique and lived only once. Everyone needs to have a hobby and it all depends on promoting a sense of consciousness about the matter. One should start considering whether to play tennis or to make model aeroplanes, but the most important is to make the time for one because having a hobby is the perfect balance between work and enjoyment.
Descriptive-reflexive essay
Faces are doubtless the most striking and memorable thing about any individual in the world. It is the great variety what makes people unique and it does not matter whether they are pretty, ugly, young or old. They just live in one´s minds due to the actions they perform and the things they say. If not, how will we remember people? A question of mental associations may be, like Ferdinand De Saussure´s linguistic theory about the linguistic sign, the signifier, the signified, and the referent. As faces are associated to actions and speeches, one cannot take for granted that all the people who have beautiful faces are good in their essence and the other way around. This would mean that faces, most of the times, betray personalities and when that occurs, emotions are the ones that speak. Thinking that all faces have the same simple components is amazingly curious, since they can vary according to different features we will discuss next.
There always exists the exception to the rule, and in this opportunity twins do not conform to the variety. Accustomed to the standards, seeing two identical siblings may delight us. In particular the ones that almost think the same and a strong connection can be perceived by just looking at their eyes. That connection might also exist between ordinary people and one can perceive certain codes, facial expressions and gestures in places such as in the street, in a football match or just in a railway station. But one may get blurred impressions from the people if those codes, facial expressions and gestures are misunderstood. That is why expressed emotions can be remembered easily and not particular faces.
Taking into account the actions of people and their professions, the course of human life is traced on their faces. It is not the passing of time what makes someone old or young, but it is the things they do and their professions can easily be discovered. A person who works building houses would have many facial differences compared to a person who owns a company and is sitting in a comfortable chair dealing with clients. The former´s eyes may show tiredness and may have wrinkles at an early age, while the latter’s may be more vivid and may have no wrinkles at all since the existence of very expensive treatments to avoid them. Mouths may be different, too and even their hair: one with grey hair and the other with dyed hair in order not to show the real age. In spite of all the particular features discussed before, human face is expressive regardless of age.
Considering the faces´ expressions, one may notice when someone thinks that a person is beautiful or ugly. Who judges that? Who says that? It is something relative and it is due to the likes and dislikes of the people themselves. A person can be seen as perfectly beauty or absolutely ugly. It all depends on each individual´s view and the way they want to see people. Let´s take Cleopatra or Helen of Troy as examples. They bring beauty to our minds because they were transformed by the imagination of the ones who first started telling about them. But, who knows if they were as beautiful as they told? And if their beauty was associated with the things they did and not with their physical beauty? Maybe they were as giants or gargoyles which are so ugly that one cannot find any difference between them, but ugliness. These women´s great achievements made us think about them as beautiful, when maybe they were not.
As regards the unknown beauty or ugliness of the great ancient characters of history, there also exist the characters that belong to the present and to our reality: our loved ones. It is hard to remember their faces when they are away; the only thing we remember is certain expressions: ways of looking, laughing, talking and so on. These are the cases which one can relate Ferdinand de Saussure´s linguistic theory with. But another type of theory should be created to deal with this issue such as “face & mind effect” or “Relationship between a face and your mind”. Sometimes our loved ones are also transformed by our imagination as in the cases of Cleopatra and Helen of Troy; so in order not to forget them, houses are invaded with photographs and portraits everywhere.
Having dealt with all the previous topics, one should know, now, that it is impossible to imagine “faceless” human beings. The way people tend to “invent” faces to fit voices heard on radio, telephone, etc., is the need to associate them with something concrete, something they can see and have a visual reference. But what happens with the people who are visual challenged? Would they have a different sense developed instead? Or is it just that they don´t need to see, but listen to people´s emotions? It is a topic for further discussion and research. What is important to take into consideration is how incredible the representation of faces can be in our minds; the immense diversity that exists in the world and the different effects they cause in people because of the uniqueness of each human being. And always remember that when we think of a person, we think of a face and a theory to be created behind this phrase.
TITLE: On having an inferiority complex.
TYPE: Abstract.
INTERPRETATION: Humorous approach. “Anything I can do, you can do better”.
Because psychologists have invented the term “Complex” – (psychology) abnormal mental state resulting from past experience or suppressed desires – according to the Oxford Advanced Learner´s Dictionary, one should think they are Einstein. Of course, the association with Einstein is purely metaphorical and it is related to his intelligence. But no one can think about Einstein to be such a bad person as Psychologists were in the time of studying mental states. This was supposed to be a kind of Psychologists’ blackmail against fortune tellers, who could see how the 21st century society would be and the financial benefits it would bring to the formers. From that time onwards, Psychologists have been thriving on complexes and people have been suffering from several mental disorders entirely created by the bright and shining ones. Thus, in these times, one can find and talk about endless complexes, such as Oedipus complex, superiority complex or inferiority complex, being the latter the main subject which will be discussed.
It is interesting to start thinking about this question: Who hasn´t got a complex? It is amazingly curious how individuals worry about complexes and how their attitudes may change according to the complex each of them has. Those with superiority complexes are few but they are dynamic, domineering, and aggressive. They rule the world and they are a thousand times better than any other person at everything. They are absolutely sure about everything and they do not doubt in answering if it was the chicken or the egg which came first, though it is a universal mystery. They also tend to diminish the rest of the people. They think the rest eat too much, sleep too much, and blush too much, while they have a balanced diet prescribed by the best nutritionist, minutes are counted as regards their sleeping time and as they are never embarrassed, they do not blush. But what happens with the people placed at the other pole? - Also referred as the diminished ones, the ones who have an inferiority complex. They exist because of the people with superiority complex and it is interesting to know where this inferiority complex begins.
The arrival of younger brothers and sisters is extremely shocking for any one and parents and relatives are unaware of older children, who also belong to the same family, but are left behind. What is more, these grown up people put the squeeze on the older children to act as the kings or queens of the house do. The little ones are much better and smarter. They know how to hold a knife and fork, how to behave, etc. But in a word, they are little tyrants who rule the world and make older children feel small and increase their inferiority complex, which might last forever.
Not only do complexes exist in individuals, but they are also shared by a group of people. This means that one may find collective complexes. Let´s take a middle-class family sharing an inferiority complex as example. Its members may act as in a competition with other families. Keeping up with the Joneses is not easy, so their immersion in a material race starts. Trying to have the best car, the biggest T.V, five servants and a housekeeper and holidays in the Caribbean twice a year may place them at the same social status as the Joneses. The only difference is that the Joneses own a chain of supermarkets while the middle-class family owns only a house loan! And to get things worse, fathers are always to blame because they are not just good enough.
Apart from the collective inferiority complex in a family, there also exists an inferiority complex shared by a great number of people. This is the national inferiority complex, which may be sometimes really dangerous. This can affect even the most progressive nations. The USA and Russia put many things in risk in order to show their greatness and not to be inferior as other nations. The poor dog on a space shuttle, the first man on the moon and the last on Earth, the creation of a nuclear bomb and so on. It seems that lesser nations also want to enter the race, but the only thing they would achieve is to explode spectacularly using fireworks in Christmas. Thus, complexes are measured in terms of size of bomb: the smaller the bomb, the bigger the complex.
Having an inferiority complex may not sound weird these days, but the question here is that many people are paying too much attention to their complexes and that might be harmful for people to be inserted in the society and to live their lives not worrying about it. Of course psychologists are really to blame for all these troubles they have caused on individuals. If they had not invented the term, we would have gone on having complexes and have been none the wiser.
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